Wednesday, December 23, 2009

PMR Exam Results (Unreported)

After all those days weeks and months , PMR results are finally on the brink for students.This year's PMR candidates are either gonna be a lucky that the requirement for As are lower or unlucky that the requirement for As are higher.Damn I hope we are lukcy this year.Even though PMR is just a small step towards your life but it still helps you alot in next year's class.Especially for me since I never pay much attention the trial exam since I know they only pay attention to the PMR results but my school is different +_+.My school let us choose first before holiday and depends on our trial exam for our next year's class but you could change your class into a better class by using PMR results too.

So I better steel myself up before tomorrow's PMR exam results.All I know is that my 3 english subjects are a sure A , Geo has a 70% chance A , Sejarah does not have a chance to get A lol , BM dunno and KH has 60% chance to get A.I never took Chinese.Those 3 english subjects must A since I am choosing the Science Class next year.If I don't , I am off with NUMBERS class lol.Too many numbers make my brain hurt +_+.Well its too late to say that now xD.

So whats your hypothesis on how many As you will get ? Write it in the comments if you want me to know.

Ops , My pencil is broken - All I know is I can't get FULL As xD because my BM is super weak T-T.


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